Doors - doors - doors!
What is a door? Although that might be a silly question, yet when you think about it a
door is (1) an access, (2) an entrance, (3) a passage, (4) an exit,
(5) a barrier, (6) an approach means, (7) a portal, (8) an avenue. A
door could be considered a protector also. Depends whether you want
it closed - or - open. Depends also on whether you want to go in! -or
- out! Depends too on whether you want to keep someone out - or to
admit someone inside.
In the Bible - in the 12th chapter of Exodus - the LORD gave very
detailed and specific instructions to Moses concerning an upcoming
new event in Israel's history -- the "Passover". This was to be one
of the - possibly "THE" - signal event in Israel's long and varied
history down through the ages until the coming of JESUS - the
There were instructions regarding the type and purity of the
sacrifice, the preparations of specially prepared food (unleavened
bread), the preparations of each family so they would each be alert
and ready to "pull up" stakes and leave their traditional Egyptian
homesteads for a national journey on which the LORD would surely lead
them - out of bondage - out of slavery -out of subjection to an evil
and corrupt ruler - Pharaoh - and his subjects and countrymen. An
essential part of the LORD'S instructions was to be the "smearing of
some of the blood of the innocent sacrificial lamb which was to be
slain as an offering to the LORD for his forgiveness of their sins".
The blood was to be smeared on the DOORPOSTS and lintels (across the
tops of the door frames). This was to be a sign that the resident
family of that abode was responding to GOD (as delivered by Moses) in
faith and trust. When the promised "angel of death" would come by
each Egyptian home the next night, he would "see the blood" and would
therefore "PASSOVER" that house and spare the life of the first born
in that particular household while the death of the first born in
every other house would occur that very night - humans and animals
Then in Deuteronomy - the 11th chapter - the LORD'S instruction
to the Israelites commanded them to "fix them ('these words of mine')
on your hearts and minds", and (verse 20) "write them on the door
frames of your houses and your gates".
So the doorposts and door frames were important places in the
Israelite households for important and vital messages from the LORD
to his people. Maybe that's even true today!!
Doves are mentioned many times in scripture. In the Old Testament
they are found in Genesis, in Isaiah, in Nahum, and in Jeremiah. They
are referred to as "an example of moaning", those who fly along the
clouds like doves to their nests", and "those who make their nests at
the mouth of caves."
But in the New Testament in Matthew, in Luke, and in John they
are referred to as "the Spirit of GOD descending like a dove and
lighting on HIM", "the Holy Spirit descended on HIM in bodily form
like a dove", and "I saw the Spirit come down from Heaven as a dove
and remain on HIM".
So the SPIRIT of GOD - the HOLY SPIRIT - is often symbolized by
the physical presence and actions and characteristics of a dove :
gentleness - non-agressiveness - peaceful - etc. There is also the
fact that doves were used repeatedly in Hebrew worships as a sacricial animal - offered up for the remission of sins of the penitent.
Likewise was JESUS offered up a sacrifice for sins - not of just one penitent believer but for the sins of the entire creation - now and
Oftentimes an "ordinary" happenstance can be seen by those with
a particular insight as a symbolic message from the ALMIGHTY. In my
"fancy" that's what I perceive to be the case here at:
Consequently l would like to draw some comparisons and point out
what -to me - is a unique happenstance of events.
A few years ago we had some remodeling work done on the front
entrance of our home at 1500 Kanawha Avenue. This involved fashioning
a new front door, adding a small porch with an enlarged gable overhanging roof supported on the two corners by large white columns. At
the tops of these columns there are square pads between the tops of
the columns and the main structure of the new roof. The way these fit
together there was created a small open spot on the inner corner of
each pad - just big enough for a nest. This is what I would call a
spot "on the DOORPOST of our home!"
So guess what has come each spring when the weather (should be
turning) turns warm!?
Each of the past three years there has been a quiet unobtrusive
nest of doves who nest at our "DOORPOST"!!!
Two to three little ones soon hatch out and we observe them each
time we go out or come in. They never seem to be afraid. The mother
dove just sits there quietly looking down at us with no apparent
sense of fright or anxiety. They seem to know that we pose no
threat. As soon as the little ones hatch out they are quickly seen in
and among Irdy's flower beds and around under our hedges.
It's a comforting sensation for me to hear their soft "cooing" in
the early morning. In my mind it's like the LORD is saying "I love
you in this household. I am your protector and your shield. I am
willing to bless this home and all who live here. Furthermore I do
bless you and will make my face to shine upon you. I have redeemed
you and you are mine. I have called you by name. I was there when you
were formed in your mother's womb and you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
In my simple mind it's a message to me from the HOLY SPIRIT which
says "I have descended on your household and I remind you that you
are continually in my care and I bless all who live in this home."
"Walk before the LORD your maker and redeemer - to do and to be
in HIS HOLY WILL. I will guide you and protect you and I will never
forsake you in the name of HIS SON JESUS the ANNOINTED ONE!!"