Due to the fact that these images have highly unconventional aspect ratios, the online printing system I use only supports one 5"-height configuration each. The resolution is high enough for up to 40"-tall, though I will need to special order anything (offline) over the 5-inch-high sizes. Let me know if you are interested, and I can get a price from one of several printing labs for you.
Thank you so much again to everyone who has shared the link!
You can view more photos and videos from my chase on the Dodge City event at my chase log page for the day.
Dan these panoramic shots are incredible for they do indeed take the viewer through the various life cycles of the tornadoes. Excellent work my friend and I LOVE these collections!! Beautiful and amazing photos!!!! :)
- Posted by Vanessa Coleman from Ashland, KY | | |
Incredible and awesome photos, Dan!
- Posted by Kai-Asle S�nstab� from Denmark | | |
Amazing images, Dan! May WeatherNation broadcast and share digitally with full credit to you?
- Posted by Cole Abshere from United States | | |