Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message

2020 Storm Chasing & Photography Accounts, Photos and Videos

Important Message 30 Years of Storm Chasing & Photography Dan's YouTube Video Channel Dan's RSS/XML feed

2020 started out very busy with frequent winter weather trips and local coverage of icy roads. Meteorological spring began with events on the first two days of the season. However, the COVID-19 pandemic quickly shut down storm chasing trips, with travel restrictions confining all operations to within the St. Louis metro area through the end of May. July brought a major success with a DSLR still capture of a Gateway Arch lightning strike, a ten-year long photo goal realized.

View logs by year: 

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2020 Notable Storms

August 10, 2020
CHICAGO - Multiple skyscraper lightning strikes from the Midwest derecho storm.

July 19, 2020
ST LOUIS - Gateway Arch struck three times during lightning barrage.

May 24, 2020
ST LOUIS - Lightning in slow motion in the STL metro.

March 1, 2020
ST LOUIS - Lightning over the Arch and STL metro-east.

All 2020 Storm Logs (61)

January 2020:
1/1 Icy roads PA
1/9 Lightning IL
1/10 Icy roads KS
1/11 Icy roads OK
1/12 Icy roads MO
1/17 Icy roads MO/IL
1/20 Icy roads MO
1/22 Icy roads MO/IL
1/23 Icy roads MO
1/28 Icy roads MO
1/29 Icy roads MO

February 2020:
2/3 Icy roads KS
2/4 Snowstorm OK
2/12 Icy roads MO
2/20 Icy roads NC
2/26 Icy roads MO

March 2020:
3/1 Lightning MO/IL
3/2 Supercells MO/IL
3/12 Supercells MO
3/26 Supercells IL
3/28 Tornadoes lost MO/IL

April 2020:
4/24 Lightning IL
4/28 Lightning IL
4/29 Severe storms MO/IL

May 2020:
5/5 Lightning IL
5/16 Lightning IL
5/24 Lightning MO/IL
5/25 Funnel MO/IL
5/27 Thunderstorms IL
5/28 Lightning IL

June 2020:
6/3 Lightning MO
6/9 Thunderstorms IL
6/20 Thunderstorms MO/IL
6/21 Thunderstorms MO/IL
6/22 Thunderstorms MO/IL
6/29 Thunderstorms MO
6/30 Lightning MO/IL

July 2020:
7/8 Lightning IL
7/13 Comet MO
7/15 Supercell MO/IL
7/19 Lightning MO
7/20 Lightning IL
7/21 Lightning MO/IL
7/22 Blue-sky bust MO
7/29 Thunderstorms MO
7/30 Thunderstorms IL

August 2020:
8/2 Lightning MO
8/9 Lightning IL/MO
8/10 Lightning IL
8/12 Flooding IL
8/15 Lightning IL
8/17 Rainbow MO
8/31 Thunderstorms MO

September 2020:
9/6 Thunderstorms IL
9/8 Snow CO/WY
9/12 Thunderstorms IL

October 2020:
10/20 Lightning IL/MO
10/26 Winter storm KS/OK

December 2020:
12/13 Snow MO
12/16 Icy roads MO
12/29 Snow MO
12/31 Icy roads MO/IL

Catch of the Year:

July 19: One of three Gateway Arch lightning strikes in one hour..
[ Read more about this chase ]

2020 Mileage
Winter 11,257
Tornado 1,945
Lightning / Other 4,170

[ Important Message ]

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30 Years of Storm Chasing & Photography
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