Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message

The return of cold: Artic front brings below average temperatures back to West Virginia: January 27, 2004

CHARLESTON, WV - A cold front moved quickly through West Virginia on Tuesday, bringing an abrupt end to the break in below average temperatures. For Charleston, it was back to the cold and snow that the region has been dealing with for the past month. Below: A city snowplow clears Dudley Drive in the Shadowlawn neighborhood in Charleston Tuesday night, from Storm Highway video broadcast nationally on The Weather Channel on Wednesday.

Snowflakes fly as a train passes the Amtrak Station

Cold wind whips the flags on Kanawha Boulevard downtown

Cold and snowy on Ohio Avenue

Storm Highway video from this event aired nationally on The Weather Channel on Wednesday (January 27, 2004).

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