Snow invades the mountains again: Winter weather advisories in effect until Sunday night: April 4, 2004
SUMMERSVILLE, WV - Heavy snow fell in the mountains once again on Sunday, leaving residents of eastern West Virginia to wonder about the date on the calendar. One year ago today, the mountain state saw warm temperatures and thunderstorms - a far cry from 2004's weather. Below: Snow covers blooming daffodils in Summersville, from Storm Highway video on The Weather Channel on Sunday and Monday.
 Heavy snow along Route 19
 Heavy snow along Route 19
 WV DOH plow on Route 19
 Downtown Summersville
 Residential street in Summersville
 The Storm Highway truck gets a dusting of snow during filming in Summersville.
Storm Highway video from this event aired nationally on The Weather Channel on Sunday and Monday (April 4 and 5, 2004).