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Sunday, April 4 chase: Moberly to Wentzville, MO
A short log will come some time down the road - for now here are some images from Sunday's chase in northern/central Missouri. Getting some rest to prepare for Monday's event.
Tornado-warned HP supercell just east of Moberly, MO at sunset - looking due west:
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Same storm after sunset northeast of Mexico, MO
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Lightning north of Wentzville, MO:
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Lightning near Troy, IL:
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My family lives in moberly, and this is the only info I've been able to find! Thank you so much!
- Posted by Alice | |
Thanks Alice! It would have been hard to see any tornado in this storm due to the heavy rain right where one would have been. It looked pretty menacing several times, I would not have been surprised to see some reports from it.
- Posted by Dan R. from New Baden, IL | |
Beautiful shots Dan... why do I have a feeling that you're loving your choice to move out "west"...
- Posted by Dann Cianca from Centennial (Greenwood Park), Colorado | |
Thanks Dann! Yes definitely!!
- Posted by Dan R. from New Baden, IL | |