Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message
                Wednesday, January 25, 2007 - 11:56PM    Storm Highway blog RSS/XML feedStorm Highway Twitter FeedStorm Highway Facebook page

Unrealized snow potential

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I was out for much of the day on Thursday, closely watching the numerous snow squalls move over the Charleston area. From the looks of radar and surface temperatures, I expected at least a couple of inches by later afternoon - but this potential was never realized. For the most part, problems were minimal. Our temperatures never rose above the freezing mark, in fact, my onboard thermometer only registered 30F for a brief moment downtown. Despite the subfreezing temps and bursts of moderate snow, the accumulations remained nearly immeasurable all day thanks to a few periods of sunlight. The only snow-covered roads I encountered were in the Alum Creek area around noon, but even that quickly melted in the post-squall sun. It's midnight now and the snow cover (if you can call it that) has actually receded since early morning, when a dusting covered the roads and grass.

We will remain in the cold pattern for at least another week, with most of our precip falling in frozen form. From what the models are showing, any snow events in Charleston during the next 7 days should be repeats of this week - some minor dustings each time, and not much more. As always, bridges and overpasses should be the main problem spots with these events, but only briefly, as road crews should be out spreading the salt in response.

30 Years of Storm Chasing & Photography
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