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Car spins out on Fort Hill Bridge - in July
HD VIDEO: Fort Hill Bridge spinout in July
A narrow line of showers was moving through Charleston in the late evening, with some sunlight filtering through the clouds in its wake. This was a setup for a rainbow over downtown, so I headed up to Fort Hill. An accident about a mile to the west on I-64 was causing a jam on the westbound lanes, so I framed a shot of the backup while I waited on the rainbow. A few minutes later I hear screeching tires in the eastbound lanes - I panned down to catch the tail end of a car sliding sideways on the curve.
 click for video
Did you record a green Subaru with kayak racks? ;) Jes and I must have been close. We missed the spinout, but I noticed the the accident to the west as we drove by...
- Posted by Rob Russo from Charleston, WV | |
Maybe! I'll have to look at the video - I'd been there about 10 minutes when that happened.
- Posted by Dan R. from Charleston, WV | |
LOL@ him driving into the wall after coming to a complete stop.
- Posted by Dann Cianca from Centennial (Greenwood Park), Colorado | |
Am I crazy, or does it look like the Kanawha is flowing the wrong way?
- Posted by Dave R. from Salisbury NC | |