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Day 7: Western Kansas
Update - 12:39AM CDT: Not much to report today. Targeted Garden City, Kansas, but ended up jumping on the Amarillo area cell. With little upper support, the storm was a huge outflow monster, producing little more than heavy rain and lightning during the time I observed it. From what I've heard, the Kansas targets didn't really produce much either. Spent the rest of the evening observing lightning around northwest Oklahoma, but with constant rain and high winds, that wasn't too fruitful. I did get a couple of OK shots. Currently at a hotel in Woodward. Tomorrow's risk was supposed to be in Kansas, but I wouldn't be surpised to see it moved southward closer to here, thanks to the outflow boundary from tonight's storms. We'll see in the morning... Here are a couple of shots from today:
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2:04PM CDT: Currently near Laverne, OK heading up to western Kansas this afternoon - solo today. Hoping the surface and 850s back like the models say they will later. Might be able to chase on my way home the next few days.
The town my aunt lives in just got warned in Lacosse Kansas
- Posted by Tom from Charleston WV | |
Dan - can't believe you saw TWO at one time yesterday! That's amazing!!!
I don't think you're missing much here tomorrow. I think the good juice is just north of us. (Watch now we'll get hammered. LOL!)
How are the gas prices effecting you this year? It went up to $4.19 gal here just about the time you got out there. That has to be a downside to trying to really hoof it around out there.
Stay safe!
- Posted by Spencer from Huntington | |
that second picture is very nice especially that orangeish sky in the background. Good Job
- Posted by John | |