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6/21 Havana, IL supercell
One problem I'm running into with living here in the Midwest is that there are too many opportunities within my range now. It seems there has not been more than a day or two in between thunderstorm events (within chase distance of STL) since April. I can't possibly do them all, which means I'm having to start intentionally ignoring some setups. Which if you're a storm chaser, you know those are the days things tend to go nuts.
Anyway, I was partly ignoring Monday, but when the cell in southeast Iowa went tornado warned and headed across the river, that was too much. At 5PM I headed up to Lincoln on I-55, then east to Havana to intercept the previously tornadic supercell moving eastward. The storm had long since weakened before I made my westward turn, but since I'd already made the drive north, I moved in to see what I would find. The answer was the last breath of an outflow-dominant mess, a weak shelf cloud that vanished to reveal no updraft was left. The mammatus halfway from I-55 to the storm was well-defined, and I managed to grab one nice anvil crawler - the last flash of lightning this storm produced.

The better targets (and tornado reports) turned out to be to the east, north and west of where I was - a seeming hole in the convection around me in central Illinois. As I drove home, I could see the constant lightning with tornado-warned storms 100 miles to the east and north.