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6/27 St. Louis storms
A fairly uneventful storm day in St. Louis this afternoon, with a line of strong/severe storms collapsing just before arriving downtown.
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Dirt and dust kicked up in the strong outflow winds:
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These are great pictures Dan! My wife and I were going to her softball game in St. Louis at about this time that the storms were moving in. On I-64 it looked very similar to the second one here like we were driving through a cloud or a sand storm because the wind had kicked up a lot of dust from some gravel lots. I had my camera with me and was able to get some pictures (not the best because they were taken from a moving car in low light), which I put up on my panoramio.com account. I then Google searched to see what other people had done with storms over St. Louis and I not only came across your great site, but that you also got pictures of the storm we were in tonight! You've got a lot of great images here, especially of the rainbows over the arch. Also, my wife and I live in New Baden, so it's nice to see pictures of the area (especially with the train and the sunset). I really like your site and I hope you keep up the good work!
- Posted by Jesse D. from New Baden | | |
Thanks Jesse, good to hear from a New Baden neighbor! I'll plan to check out the Panoramio photos. The blowing dirt was pretty dramatic, I wish I'd taken a few more shots of it.
- Posted by Dan R. from New Baden, IL | | |
Hi Dan is all this extra storm activity having an impact on your work ? Look's like you are out and about a few times a week now.
- Posted by Mick from UK | | |
Mick, it's been pretty busy for sure. Thankfully most of the storms are local events that I can go out during the afternoon/evening that don't impact my daytime work too much.
- Posted by Dan R. from New Baden, IL | | |