Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
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                   Thursday, October 25, 2012 - 7:06PM CDT

October 25 strong cold front passage timelapse

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HD EXPEDITION VIDEO: Timelapse of cold front passage in Marissa, Illinois on 10/25

A strong cold front plowed across the Midwest on Thursday, October 25. With all of the associated precipitation behind the front, this was a good candidate for a timelapse showing the wind shift as the front passed. I set up northeast of the Prairie State power plant in Marissa, Illinois (just south of my place in New Baden) and let the camera roll for about an hour to capture the cold front's impact on the plant's exhaust plume. The video is linked above. Below are a few stills I took while awaiting the front.

Before the front arrived, this weak updraft vanished as it passed overhead, leaving a 'mushroom cloud' formation as it dissipated.

I also saw a 'shear funnel' associated with cumulus ahead of the front:

Great timelapse video!
- Posted by Mat. Anna from MS

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