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January 12 thunderstorms and light icing event
CCTV CLIP: Lightning in New Baden, IL, January 13
Quite a busy afternoon/evening yesterday and into the overnight hours! Thanks to diligent road crews salting the bridges around St. Louis, I did not find any icing problems during yesterday's freezing rain event in the metro area. Alton picked up a good glaze of ice by the time the event was over (click image for a full-screen high-res version):
As the freezing rain was knocking on the door on the western side of the metro, thunderstorms were in progress farther east. While the heaviest cores stayed well to the east toward I-57, I observed a few flashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder here at home in the trailing stratiform precip. I briefly headed east intending to try and grab some lightning stills, but turned around when I realized the 32°F line was moving into the metro area much faster than I'd expected.
I pulled some video off of my CCTV system to save the lightning for posterity (linked above), and show that we did indeed get our first thunderstorm of the year. Though I didn't continue the 'stills streak' from last year, it does continue the streak of at least *seeing* lightning every month since January of 2012, and is now the third consecutive winter season in the Midwest that I've experienced at least one thunderstorm.