Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message

Dan's Personal Page

My Blog

A few things about me.

  • I was born in Charleston, West Virginia.
  • I graduated from Washington High School in Washington, Pennsylvania (25 miles south of Pittsburgh).
  • I became a Christian on December 9, 1993.
  • I have a degree in Electrical Engineering Technology from WV Tech in Montgomery, WV.
  • My primary career is freelance multimedia. I specialize in web site design, video for the web, and documenting severe weather for television.
  • Since storm chasing has become a part-time job, I don't have any hobbies right now.
  • I love Chinese, Japanese and Italian food.
  • I love dogs. I don't have one at the moment as I travel around too much.
  • My family roots are in North Carolina and West Virginia, but we are pretty spread out now, with representation in Pittsburgh, Boston, Cincinnati, Charlotte, Raleigh and Charleston, WV.
  • I believe the Bible is true, that God is real, and faith in Jesus Christ is the only way for people to be saved.
  • I listen primarily to Contemporary Christian music.
  • I can get into bluegrass from time to time.
  • I don't watch movies or TV much anymore.
  • I spend too much time in front of computers.


My primary purpose in life is to 'pass on' the message of salvation in the cross of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that we have all sinned against God and are consequently on the way to hell. Jesus died on the cross to pay the price and make heaven a possibility for all of us, if we just turn to Him. I don't consider myself 'religious' or 'fanatical', both are tired stereotypical terms that I cringe at. I'm far from perfect, but I'm trying my best to live the way God wants me to live. A few of my friends and I put together a web site that explains the message of Christ in detail. I hope that you'll take some time to read it.

30 Years of Storm Chasing & Photography
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