Nor'Easter brings icy roads to West Virginia: Second major storm in 7 days causes dangerous driving conditions: December 13, 2003
NEWS VIDEO: Icy roads on Saturday: RealVideo, 4.3MB
 A car slides on an icy patch of Route 60 near St. Albans, WV, from Storm Highway video shown on The Weather Channel on Saturday and Sunday.
ST. ALBANS, WV - A brief period of heavy snow began affecting the Charleston metro area during the late afternoon hours on Saturday, December 13. Many roads in the area were untreated and quickly became icy. On Coal Mountain near St. Albans, cars and trucks slid on the ice on Route 60 at the Poplar Fork Road/Browns Creek Road intersection. Accidents on Interstate 64 closed down the highway in some locations, and treacherous driving conditions continued into Sunday as freezing rain, sleet and snow moved in overnight.
Storm Highway video from this event aired nationally on The Weather Channel on Saturday and Sunday (December 13 and 14, 2003).