Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message

Clipper system brings first big snowfall: 3 to 5 inch accumulations common from Charleston-Huntington-Beckley
February 6, 2007

ABOVE: Evening rush-hour traffic on I-64 crawls along as the snow cranks up in Charleston on Tuesday.

EXPEDITION VIDEO: Driving hazards in Charleston on Tuesday: Watch Video Clip

CHARLESTON, WV - The area's first notable snow event of the year came at an inconvenient time, right at the height of evening rush hour traffic. Numerous accidents along with cars and trucks unable to climb the slippery hills made for slow going on the roads for evening commuters. By morning, 3-4 inches of snow blanketed most of Charleston.


Snow tops the State Capitol dome.

Many streets around town remained untreated Wednesday morning.

Conditions were good for sledding at Oakwood Terrace...

..but not so good for drivers, who slid uncontrollably down the hill.

The ice on the frozen Elk River ended at the Kanawha.

A set of buried stairs shows the snow depth.

Snow-covered downtown.

The interstate was finally clear by Wednesday morning.

A snowplow clears an entrance ramp to I-64.

Kids enjoying a walk in the snow.

We won't be needing these anytime soon.

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