Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message

Severe storms plow across state: Warnings issued for continuous counties from Huntington to Weirton: July 25, 2005

ABOVE: Lightning flashes behind a wind-blown stop sign near St. Albans.

CHARLESTON, WV - A widespread severe weather event occured across the Mountain State on Monday afternoon when a large convective complex raced southeast from Ohio and into West Virginia. At least two deaths and several incidents of significant structural damage have been directly linked to the high winds. The bow-echo line of storms produced damaging winds along virtually all of its length as it plowed through. By late afternoon, every western and central West Virginia county from Huntington to Morgantown to Weirton were under simultaneous severe thunderstorm warnings. Power outages were significant, with the Beckley and Oak Hill areas seeing the largest concentration of downed power lines.

BELOW: Lightning flashes and strong winds lift dirt skyward as storms approach the Charleston area on Monday.

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BELOW: A rainbow appeared over downtown Charleston after the storms passed.

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