Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message
                Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - 9:20AM    Storm Highway blog RSS/XML feedStorm Highway Twitter FeedStorm Highway Facebook page

First 1"+ accumulation in Charleston?

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We are finally getting a good taste of winter here in Charleston this week, with near-constant subfreezing temperatures and a parade of snowfall events that started on Sunday morning. This morning's event (Wednesday) was fairly inconsequential here, with only Teays Valley and points west getting enough to cover the roads. As usual, the bridges and overpasses began to get slick. But, thanks to the slow rate of snowfall and quick-acting salt trucks, there was not an icy road accident crisis like we saw here on Sunday morning. Next in line is another snowfall event for tomorrow (Thursday), as an impulse of energy arrives from the northwest. This one could be the biggest of the season for us, with a couple of inches of snow possible by late evening. In fact, the upcoming month is looking to be appreciably colder and snowier than normal. If the pattern keeps up, a good shot of moisture from somewhere and a nice slow-moving low would be all it would take for a bona-fide snowstorm here - something we haven't seen in a long time.

The weather acting up again means that my sleep patterns are once again probably going to get shifted around. Hopefully the upcoming snows can stay in the daylight hours and keep me on an even keel.

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