Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message

Numerous storms hit state with lightning, heavy rain: Slow-moving storms cause isolated flash flooding: July 10, 2004

ABOVE: Floodwaters cascade over Allen Fork Road in northern Kanawha County, from Storm Highway video on The Weather Channel over the weekend.

EXPEDITION VIDEO: Flash flood on Allen Fork

LIBERTY, WV - Thunderstorms covered West Virginia on Saturday, affecting almost every county in the Mountain State. Many locations, such as Kanawha and Putnam Counties, endured two or three storms before the day was over. Flash flooding was reported in various locations across Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia. Photos can be enlarged by clicking on each thumbnail image.

BELOW: Scenes in Liberty, WV along Route 34 between 4PM and 5PM Saturday, from Storm Highway video on The Weather Channel this weekend:

Video captures:

BELOW: Scenes along Allen Fork Road in northern Kanawha County between 4:30PM and 5:30PM Saturday, from Storm Highway video on The Weather Channel this weekend:

Video captures:

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