Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message

All photos, video and text © 2004 by Storm Highway. Unauthorized use prohibited - see site copyright statement

Soaking rains return: Thursday thunderstorms bring heavy rain, lightning: July 22, 2004

ABOVE: Lightning fills the sky above Route 119 near Alum Creek, south of Charleston.

EXPEDITION VIDEO: Lightning along Corridor G

SOUTH CHARLESTON, WV - After an over two-week period of mostly dry weather, two rounds of storms and heavy rain affected the Mountain State on Thursday. The first batch of storms lasted much of the afternoon and brought up to 2 inches of rain to parts of the region. Minor flooding was reported in several locations. Later in the evening, a second round of storms with a display of frequent lightning affected western and southern parts of the state. Photos can be enlarged by clicking on each thumbnail image.

BELOW: Scenes from the first round of heavy rain in downtown Charleston, from Storm Highway video on The Weather Channel on Friday.

Video captures:

BELOW: Lightning over Corridor G (Route 119) in southern Kanawha County.

Video captures:

35mm slides coming soon.

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