Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message
Photo Gallery Categories: | Main Gallery | Storms | St. Louis | Lightning | Tornadoes | Earthquakes | West Virginia | Charleston, WV

Lunar Eclipse and the Gateway Arch in St. Louis

The total lunar eclipse of Tuesday, April 15, 2014 was amazing - with spectacular views of the deep red "blood moon" over downtown St. Louis and the Arch. These images were captured at around 3AM, when the sky put on a show for those who stayed awake to see it! - Dan

St. Louis Galleries: Gateway Arch | City Skyline | Aerials | Winter / Snow | Storms / Weather
Sunrise / Sunset | Fireworks | Trains | Landmarks | Black & White | Cardinals

All photographs © Copyright Dan Robinson - any and all usage requires a paid license. Please don't copy these images to social media. Sharing the link to this page is welcome and appreciated. Feel free to contact Dan for inquiries.

Click each image for ordering options
Lunar eclipse (blood moon)
#E-8700 - Lunar eclipse "Blood Moon"
Lunar eclipse (blood moon) with trees
#E-8700B - Eclipse and trees
Lunar eclipse with Arch and trees
#E-8694 - Lunar eclipse with Arch and trees
Lunar eclipse (blood moon)
#E-8700BW - "Blood Moon"
Lunar eclipse above the Arch
#E-8687 - Eclipse above Arch
Lunar eclipse vertical offset
#E-8703 - Eclipse vertical
Lunar eclipse vertical with trees
#E-8694B - Eclipse vertical
Lunar eclipse wide view
#E-8687B - Lunar eclipse wide view

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All content © Dan Robinson. All usage requires a paid license - please contact Dan for inquiries.

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