Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message
Photo Gallery Categories: | Main Gallery | Storms | St. Louis | Lightning | Tornadoes | Earthquakes | West Virginia | Charleston, WV

Mud, silt and debris litter a yard along Slab Fork near Mullens, West Virginia after the major flash flood disaster of July 8, 2001. Sheds are either flipped on their sides or demolished altogether. Note how the fence has acted as a strainer, catching tree branches and debris as the water flowed through it. In addition to their water damage threat, floodwaters are contaminated with mud and bacteria that can pose a health hazard with any item it contacts. Most items affected by floodwater cannot be cleaned and must be disposed of. Image from 4.7MP digital camera.

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