Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message

June 19, 2006 chase - Lightning show over downtown Pittsburgh

More storms moved over Pittsburgh later in the week. Photos and video can be viewed at our June 22, 2006 Pittsburgh chase report

Storm Highway video and photography from Pittsburgh on Monday:

VIDEO CLIPS (Available from Storm Highway and in HD from Storm Highway HD):
CLIP 1: HD Pittsburgh lightning show at night
CLIP 2: HD Lightning in Pittsburgh at dusk
CLIP 3: HD Lightning over Pittsburgh skyscrapers
CLIP 4: Lightning over Pittsburgh skyline
CLIP 5: Afternoon Pittsburgh lightning
CLIP 6: Lightning over Pittsburgh skyscrapers

Spectacular lightning over Pittsburgh from Monday's storms are available in high-resolution from Matt Robinson at

Got a great lightning show from several rounds of storms in downtown Pittsburgh Monday night. Ideal lightning photography conditions persisted most of the evening, with small but CG-active storms passing close by with no rain at our locations. Many clear-air bolts (outside of precip) made for some nice catches. We observed numerous power flashes from strike-induced electrical flashovers on power lines. We avoided rain in all but the last storm which passed over well after dark. I focused on video while Matt shot digital stills with his 5D and L-series lenses. A memory card and tape-filling night!

Here are a few shots:

Power flashes (flashovers) due to strikes hitting power lines and transformers:

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