Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message

'The Big Tower' returns to Coal Mountain: Massive new structure completed in summer 2004: October 9, 2004

ABOVE: Lightning repeatedly strikes the new WVAH-TV tower on June 14, 2005 (video clip and more photos).

SCOTT DEPOT, WV - Work has been finished on a new gargantuan television tower to replace the 1,500-foot tall WVAH structure that collapsed on February 19, 2003 after a heavy ice storm. The new tower has been constructed immediately adjacent to the old WCHS broadcast tower, which was dismantled and removed in March of 2005.

According to the WVAH web site, the new tower tops the 1,500 foot mark.

Photos of the completed tower, September 2004 - Click to enlarge:

Construction Photos (July 2): The tower rose higher in July 2004 as work continued on the structure (photos at upper and lower right). New superstructure segments and another set of guy wires had just been installed.

Below: The massive new television tower rises skyward near Scott Depot, WV on June 24, 2004, dwarfing the nearly 1200-foot tall WCHS tower next to it (now removed).

June 24, 2004:

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