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January 27 ice storm/snow photos and video
An unexpected ice storm rounded out Tuesday's winter weather episode in Charleston, complete with power flashes, outages and falling tree limbs. South Hills seemed to get the worst of the icing, and was where I spent most of my time after dark. Here are some photos and a video clip from the day, minus my main b-roll tape which suffered a mechanical failure (thus preventing me from feeding this video out).
HD EXPEDITION VIDEO: Ice storm power flashes/sparking; slick snowy roads
EXPEDITION VIDEO: Tree limbs burning/sparking from power line contact
Starting the day early on Fort Hill alongside a WOWK live truck and crew:
 click to enlarge
A power flash lights up South Hills (from video) cutting power to Bridge Road momentarily. Notice the smoke in the center of the picture (over the road), from another tree/power line contact sparking event that I was shooting:
 click to enlarge
Shrubs in my next-door neighbor's yard:
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Power lines along Oakwood Road:
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Bridge Road gas station canopy among an icy scene:
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Large tree branch down on Bridge Road:
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Shrub branches close-up:
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Tree limbs burning/sparking from power line contact on Bridge Road (from video):
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Rear-view mirror:
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Ashton Place traffic light:
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Icy tree and State Capitol:
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Glazed railing on my front stairway:
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Post light at my house:
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Fence on Fort Hill:
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Oakwood Road power lines:
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Ashby Avenue sign on Fort Hill:
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Snow-capped State Capitol and icy tree:
 click to enlarge
Very cool shots! The news folks stealing your good spots again? :)
Hope you are doing okay this week. We'll talk soon.
- Posted by Rob from Hampton, VA | |
Great shots, Dan!
- Posted by Dann Cianca from Denver, Coloraco | |
Way to go Dan, excellent compositions. Nice score on the tree leaves, what kind is it that keeps it's foliage?
- Posted by Paul from Decatur, IL | |
Thanks guys, I'm not sure what kind of tree that is. There is one in my neighbors yard also, it has white flower blooms in the spring but never loses its leaves. The TV crew was just doing live standups, they quickly retreated into their warm truck in between live shots. You have to stay out there in the cold to get the good shots :)
- Posted by Dan R. from Charleston, WV | |
My guess would be magnolia tree...just a guess though. I LOVE the 'shrub branches close up'. What lens did you use there? I wouldn't mind having a huge pic of that. AWESOME. REALLY nice pics!!!
- Posted by Jes from Hampton, VA | |
Thanks Jes, I used the 18-55mm (on the 55mm end). It was getting dark so I had to rush these, there were a lot of nice subjects but not enough daylight to capture them all.
- Posted by Dan R. from Charleston, WV | |