Storm Highway by Dan Robinson
Weather, photography and the open roadClick for an important message
Storm Highway by Dan RobinsonClick for an important message

2004 Storm Chasing & Photography Accounts, Photos and Videos

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2004 is considered to be one of the high water marks for quality tornadoes in the Great Plains spring seasons. I was blessed to be a full part of this monumental season, witnessing and capturing not only my first tornadoes, but some of the best in known storm chasing history. 2004 was also my first full year shooting all types of weather footage for TV clients, a part-time job that took me across the country for snow, rain, ice and two hurricanes.

View logs by year: 

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2004 Notable Storms

December 13, 2004
Snow and icy roads in Charleston, WV.

December 10, 2004
Bright double rainbow over mountains at Mossy, WV.

November 8, 2004
Vivid aurora borealis near Richmond, VA.

September 16, 2004
An chase to document the landfall of Hurricane Ivan in Alabama.

September 6, 2004
An chase to document the landfall of Hurricane Frances in Florida.

Storm Chasing & Photography Expedition 2004
Our 2004 chase to the Great Plains during peak severe weather season, with 12 tornadoes documented.

May 7, 2004
Severe storms from Jane Lew to Fairmont, WV.

April 17, 2004
Intense lightning near Fairview, Ohio.

April 10, 2004
Tower lightning strikes near Raleigh, NC.

All 2004 Storm Logs (44)

January 2004:
1/9: Icy Roads WV
1/25: Winter storm WV

March 2004:
3/6: Flooding WV
3/18: Lightning chase WV
3/30: Lightning chase OH,KY,WV

April 2004:
4/1: Mountain snow WV
4/4: Mountain snow WV
4/10: Tower lightning NC
4/17: Lightning chase OH
4/20: Thunderstorms WV

May 2004:
5/1: Lightning chase OH
5/7: Severe storms WV
5/11: Tornado bust SD
5/12: Tornado intercepts KS
5/18: Tornado bust KS
5/19: Tornado bust IA
5/20: Lightning CO/KS
5/21: Tornado intercept NE
5/22: Supercell NE
5/23: Supercell OK
5/24: Supercells KS
5/26: Tornado intercepts OK
5/29: Tornado intercepts OK
5/30: Lightning MO,IL,IN,KY

June 2004:
6/1: Severe storms WV
6/10: Severe storms NE
6/11: Tornado intercept IA
6/12: Tornado intercepts KS
6/15: Flooding WV

July 2004:
7/3: Lightning chase WV
7/6: Lightning chase KY,WV
7/10: Flash floods WV
7/22: Lightning chase WV
7/25: Lightning chase WV

August 2004:
8/10: Severe storm WV
8/29: Lightning chase WV

September 2004:
9/6: Hurricane Frances FL
9/16: Hurricane Ivan AL

October 2004:
10/18: Thunderstorms WV

November 2004:
11/8: Aurora borealis VA
11/10: Aurora borealis WV

December 2004:
12/10: Double rainbow WV
12/11: First snow WV
12/13: Icy roads WV

Catch of the Year:

June 12 - Mulvane, KS: A beautiful but destructive tornado glows bright white in direct sunlight as debris from a homestead lofts high into the air. [ Read more about this event ]

2004 Mileage
Lightning / Other

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